
Interesting, I first heard about the cellular provider vulnerability, I think in 2010. And what, is the vulnerability still working?
29.11.2021 в 06:41

The application works great, I've already used it five times, no failures. The only thing - I would advise you not to provide any data that could point to you and pay only with crypto. Good luck to you all!
11.11.2021 в 11:14

I like the program, everything is on fire. But 24/7 support sounds loud... At times I waited over a day for an answer! I don't think they have a hell of a backlog of emails there
05.11.2021 в 15:22

I have a YouTube channel with 27k subscribers. The main focus is just test reviews of spyware. I have already tried all the solutions that can be bought for money. My score is 8 out of 10, I will use it myself and recommend it to my friends. When I have some free time, I will try to shoot a full review. From me the link.
10.10.2021 в 06:15

Wow, I didn't even think it would be so easy and simple to run. It took me no more than an hour to get it all up and running. Considering that Bitcoins I bought for the first time in my life and got a little hung up at this stage. Admins - please describe how to buy, I have to figure it out myself.
24.09.2021 в 01:19

I think that TgHacker is a very useful thing! In certain circles this program will be appreciated - modern parents, for example! A big plus is that it is easy to run it! It took me a maximum of 5-7 minutes. The functions all work - in 7 months of using it there were no failures. I don't think it's shameful to use this kind of thing to spy on children. Prudence in this matter does not hurt! Not every child tells their parents everything about themselves, and probably very few do. But to help them parental help in some ways will not hurt! Forewarned is forearmed!
01.08.2021 в 18:11

I read my friend's Telegram. Everything connected normally, but I did not find the chat I was interested in. Although it was the reason for all of this. Explain to me how it happened, I do not really want to make a return. Moreover, all the other stated functions worked fine.
20.07.2021 в 19:11

Отсутствие ветви чата в резервной копии WhatsApp можно объяснить тем, что пользователь удалил её после завершения диалога. В таком случае, восстановление переписки невозможно.
20.07.2019 в 22:08

This is the best spyware I was lucky enough to find. Most of these programs require installation and dancing around the phone. I don't need to tell you that many on my iPhone don't work at all, are easily identified and cost a lot more. The only pity is that there are no subscriptions for a month or more. It is not very convenient to buy several sessions each time.
06.04.2021 в 18:21

I got my account history, but the task was different - to restore the account on a new device. There is a transfer function, how do I do that? Help plz.
31.01.2021 в 05:14

As a result of activating the monitoring session, you have received a QR code in the Personal Office. Next, you need to go to Telegram Web on your device and scan it with your camera. The recovery procedure will start immediately after the completion of this operation.
31.01.2021 в 10:38

Great program. It does not require rooting or any custom firmware. Should we expect the possibility of reading SMS, in theory, should be similar algorithms? The same work with the protocol of the operator.
03.02.2020 в 08:39

This feature is under development and will be implemented in the near future.
03.02.2020 в 13:54

Не пользуюсь банковскими картами, только нал. Как пополнить баланс?
27.11.2019 в 16:11

Вы можете использовать криптовалюту для пополнению баланса WhaSpy. Самый простой способ купить биткоин за наличные - использовать криптомат. Карта ближайших терминалов:
27.11.2019 в 19:45

Полезное приложение чтоб смотреть за ребёнком... правда цена высоковата(
02.11.2019 в 12:25

Очень классная программа, разберётся каждый, даже ребёнок. Немного сомневалась по началу, но в итоге не пожалела.
25.10.2019 в 10:52

У меня двое несовершеннолетних детей. Я перепробовала почти все решения по мониторингу, но у всех были свои существенные недостатки. Когда открыла для себя WhaSpy, многие вопросы решились, пользуюсь каждый день.
25.10.2019 в 04:25

Все нравится, как в плане интерфейса пользовательского , так и сам сервис! В этой компании своих клиентов явно очень ценят :)
18.10.2019 в 15:13